GoodCRM FAQ Masterclass: Simplifying Your CRM Experience

Greetings from GoodCRM!

At GoodCRM, we take pride in providing top-notch customer relationship management (CRM) solutions. Unlike some other CRM providers, we prefer to engage directly with our clients, offering personalised support through various communication channels. As part of our commitment to excellent service, we don't have a dedicated FAQ section on our website. Instead, we'd rather have a chat with you to address any questions or concerns you might have. But, we've also noticed some recurring queries from our valued users, and that's why we recently hosted a Masterclass.

In this blog post, we're excited to share with you a summary of what we covered during our recent Masterclass. We hope this information will be valuable not only to our existing clients but also to those who are considering joining the GoodCRM family.

Masterclass Highlights

Our Masterclass was designed to be universally useful, addressing common user questions and simplifying the CRM experience. Here's a snapshot of what we discussed:

1.      Initial CRM Setup and Custom Fields: We delved into the crucial process of setting up your CRM and selecting custom fields tailored to your organisation's unique requirements.

2.     Tags vs. Connections: Understanding the distinctions between tags and connections in GoodCRM and how to leverage them effectively.

3.     Importing Data Tips and Tricks: Practical insights on creating segments for bulk deletion and efficiently managing imported data.

4.     Custom Field Display Order: Learn how to personalise the order in which custom fields are displayed, aligning them with your preferences.

5.     Record Forms: Insights into exporting record form responses, deleting them, and sharing them, streamlining your data management.

6.     Donations Management: Discover how to harness the potential of 'donations' by finding donors based on their history, dates, or events, and setting up fixed-price donation links.

7.     Overview of Segments: Get a comprehensive understanding of how segments can be a game-changer in organising and managing your CRM data.

8.     Bulk Adding People to Events: Learn how to simplify the process of adding people to events within a project or series of events.

9.     Eventbrite Alternatives: Explore alternatives to Eventbrite for efficient event management within GoodCRM.

And the Masterclass covered even more ground! We wanted to ensure that you have the knowledge you need to make the most of GoodCRM's features.

Accessing the Masterclass

For our clients who may have missed the Masterclass or wish to revisit the content, we've made it easy for you. You can download the entire Masterclass directly from the training area on TheGoodPlace. It's a valuable resource to keep you updated with the latest tips and tricks for optimising your CRM experience.

Get in Touch

At GoodCRM, we believe in direct communication with our clients. If you have questions or encounter any issues that weren't covered in the Masterclass, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our team is here for you and ready to assist through various channels, including our community site - TheGoodPlace, our helpdesk, WhatsApp, or a simple phone call.

Interested in GoodCRM?

If you're not yet a GoodCRM client but are intrigued by our commitment to providing excellent support and innovative CRM tools, we'd be delighted to show you around. Discover the world of GoodCRM, explore our impressive features, and see how we can transform the way you manage relationships and data. You can book a demo spot here:


Our recent Masterclass is a testament to our dedication to ensuring a seamless user experience for our clients. By addressing common questions and concerns, we empower you to make the most of our CRM platform. Whether you're a seasoned client or considering GoodCRM for the first time, we hope this blog post provides a glimpse into the valuable insights we shared during the Masterclass and the exceptional support that awaits you in your CRM journey.

Thank you for choosing GoodCRM, and we look forward to assisting you every step of the way!



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