GoodCRM supports your Monitoring & Evaluation

GoodCRM was born to collect monitoring data, every part of our system comes together to let you record activities, outputs, outcomes and impact.

Activity, Outputs, Outcomes, Impact, Goals and Mission

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Creating your Monitoring & Evaluation Framework

Demystify Monitoring & Evaluation with a suite of tools and resources designed to set you up for success. We’ve worked with leading monitoring & evaluation experts to embed best practices throughout the CRM.

Goals & Objectives

Set your objectives, whether they’re fixed goals for specific outcomes, or areas for learning and exploration. Use tags and record forms to support your evaluation framework.

Develop your activity

As you design your activity, GoodCRM offers the flexible space to plan and keep track of your Programmes, Projects and Events.

All your activity, in one place

Our linked spaces for all your organisation’s activity.

Programmes - broad groups or strands of activity.
Projects - activity that takes place over time.
Events - things that happen on a particular day.

✔ Attendance Registers

✔ Tutor logins

✔ Engagements, impact &
progression monitoring

✔ Ticketing integrations

✔ Built in reporting

Power your segmentation & reporting

Start by recording your activity, then connect your monitoring data. You can then extract outcomes to measure against KPIs and report on your impact.

Set your KPIs

Define your Key Performance Indicators - how will you know if your goals have been met?

Design your data-capture

How will you measure your intended (and unintended) impact? Capturing the right data at the right time is essential.

Automate inputs

Key integrations help automate data capture. Event registers will help track attendance and engagement. Record forms capture both profile-linked and anonymous monitoring data.

Record Anything

Record forms are a flexible space to record anything in your CRM. Share links or embed forms into your website to collect quantitative and qualitative feedback.

✔ Flexible, shareable, record management

✔ Manage open calls and funding applications

✔ Gain feedback and monitoring data

✔ Person-linked or anonymous data-capture

✔ Share form links, and embed forms into websites

Layer on the data

Records can be moved from public-facing forms to internal facing forms, allowing your staff to layer on additional data. Record outcomes and derive quantitative data from free text fields. Add classifications and define review processes.

Insights in an instant

Use your connected Records, Activity, Person and Organisation data to build rich segments, with in-built statistics and live lists.

Find People where:








in events

Youth Group 2023

132 People
14 Events


Age range:



0 - 16
17 - 24
25 - 36
36 - 42
42 - 55


Prefer not to say

Monitoring FAQ’s

  • 'Monitoring and evaluation' is the process of recording a charity's activity programme, the people who participate in this, and calculating the impact or overall success of their actions. Depending on the goals of your non-profit, you may measure impact in different ways - it might be important to increase your engagement with a specific demographic of people, or you may be looking to measure how people's performance or prospects improve as a result of working with you. Monitoring and evaluation processes allow a charity to measure their success in achieving their organisational goals (for example, whether their have hit Key Performance Indicators), and help to shape the future of their activities to continously improve their impact.

  • Depending on how a charity receives their funding, they may have an obligation to monitor and evaluate their impact in different ways. It's very common for funders to require monitoring and evaluation, so they can assess how their money was spent and the impact this has had. For example, National Portfolio Organisations receiving funding from Arts Council England are currently required to submit monitoring data to the Illuminate system. Other funders might have more specific requirements, depending on the project they are providing funding for. Aside from funder obligations, many charities choose to conduct their own monitoring and evaluation too. This can help them to understand the outcomes of the work they do, and provides good guidance for any changes and improvements they might need to make to their activity.

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Contacts | Fundraising | Memberships | Monitoring & Evaluation | Ticketing