First-rate fundraising

From individual giving, to trusts & foundations, gift-in-kind donations and corporate fundraising - we’ve got your back. And with data from across your organisation and activity, you’ve never had access to more powerful prospect research, insights and fundraising intelligence.

✔ Create beautiful donor journeys

✔ Make your members feel loved

✔ Master your grant applications

Profile in GoodCRM showing Henry the dog, GoodCRM mascot
Panel showing donations total of £2.2K
Panel showing a membership in GoodCRM

Explore Features

Contacts | Fundraising | Memberships | Monitoring & Evaluation

Trusts & Foundations

Keep track of grant applications, submission deadlines, decisions and awards.

People sat at a desk, lined up, taking notes

Gift in kind & Corporate

Record gift in kind pledges and donations, track corporate relationships and commitments

Person stood in front of a colourful background smiling

Prospect research and stewardship

Glean powerful insights, determine donor propensity, and perfect the ask.

Hands at a laptop with bangles on arms

Frictionless online donations

Create beautiful donor journeys which start and end on your website.

Support for digital wallets like ApplePay and GooglePay make online check-out a breeze, and Direct Debits allow donors to give month after month.

Every donor, along with their consents and gift-aid declarations are captured directly into your CRM.

iPhone screen showing a donations form with GiftAid declaration and ApplePay
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Direct Debit
giftaid it

“We’ve had a phenomenal response, our donations surpassed anything we raised online last year, that is a testament to how easy the CRM system has been to integrate with our website!”

Charlotte Walton
New Adventures

Memberships Managed

Let us do the heavy lifting so you can concentrate on making your members feel loved. More memberships.

Collect donor consents

Define the data you wish to collect from donors, including marketing consents and preferences.

Gift Aid reporting

Collect Gift Aid declarations to make effortless claims.


See donation totals, campaign performance and top-donors from your donations dashboard.

Explore Features

Contacts | Fundraising | Memberships | Monitoring & Evaluation